In psychologically rich essays that equally probe traditional Buddhist thought and contemporary issues, Andrew Olendzki helps us to reconcile ancient Buddhist thought with our day-to-day life. His writing is sophisticated and engaged, filled with memorable imagery and insight drawn from decades of study, reflection, and meditation on Buddhist teachings. Seasoned Buddhist readers and anyone interested in the intellectual heart of Buddhism will find this collection of fascinating essays rewarding. 

Read a review of Unlimiting Mind from the APA Review of Books

Andrew Olendzki






Ediciones Dharma

Both broad and deep, this eye-opening book is one of the best available overviews of the radical psychological teachings underlying the Buddhist approach to freedom and peace. Sophisticated without being daunting, brilliantly clear without becoming simplistic, Andrew Olendzki’s writing is filled with rich phrases, remarkable images, and the fruits of decades of careful thought. Grounded in profound scholarship, psychological sophistication, and many years of teaching and personal practice, this much-anticipated collection of essays will appeal to anyone looking to gain a richer understanding of Buddhism’s experiential tools for exploring the inner world. In Unlimiting Mind, Olendzki provokes fresh and familiar reflections on core Buddhist teachings. --Wisdom Publications



“This book has the power to change how you see yourself and the world. Andrew Olendzki has declassified the radical psychological insights of the Buddha and made them accessible to us all in a series of short, deftly-illuminating essays. It’s a remarkable read for anyone interested in the human condition.” —Christopher K. Germer, author of The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion

“Unlimiting Mind is a rare treat. Highly recommended. Andrew Olendzki brings a unique and often brilliant perspective to core Buddhist teachings. He enlarges our understanding of basic principles and raises occasionally unsettling questions about familiar assumptions. An excellent introduction to Buddhism as well as an enlightening jolt to experienced practitioners.”—Joseph Goldstein, author of A Heart Full of Peace

“An excellent and very accessible introduction to Buddhist psychology. Olendzki’s presentation of the Abhidhamma is particularly helpful and informative.”—David R. Loy, author of Money, Sex, War, Karma and The World is Made of Stories

“A wonderful collection. These thoughtful and insightful reflections on the Buddha’s teachings will appeal to scholars and practitioners alike.”—Stephen Batchelor, author of Buddhism without Beliefs

“I cannot recommend this book strongly enough. Unlimiting Mind is one of the most intelligent collections of articles on Buddhism that I have read for a very long time. An impressive work that shows the Buddha to be not only the first ‘psychologist’ but an extremely radical thinker.”—John Peacock, Oxford Mindfulness Centre

“The field of modern psychology might only be a century or so old, but its explanations and insight into Buddhist thought are uniquely described in this book. Buddha was indeed the first ‘psychologist’ and the author shows that he was also a radical thinker. Mental health professionals and students of Buddhism alike will find much to appreciate in Unlimiting Mind.”—Mandala

Unlimiting Mind: The Radically Experiential Psychology of Buddhism. Wisdom Publications 2010.

Read a review of Untangling Self on Foreword Reviews

Untangling Self: A Buddhist Investigation of Who We Really Are

Wisdom Publications, Fall 2016.

Spanish Translation of Unlimiting Mind

Italian Translation of Unlimiting Mind

Il mondo è alle soglie di una nuova era e non sappiamo se quelli che ci attendono saranno tempi peggiori o migliori. Che la nostra sia un'epoca di speranza o disperazione, comprendere noi stessi e i nostri comportamenti meglio di quanto facciamo attualmente offre indubbi vantaggi. Addirittura potrebbe darsi che la consapevolezza psicologica sia un fattore chiave nel determinare quale dei due scenari ci troveremo a vivere. La psicologia, disciplina che ha poco più di cent'anni di vita, è uno dei contributi caratterizzanti del ventesimo secolo. I pionieri della psicologia scoprirono la mente inconscia e preconscia e svilupparono nuovi strumenti per esplorare e interpretare il suo misterioso territorio. Dopo gli sviluppi più vari e rigogliosi di forme di ricerca psicologica nate da questo ceppo, e dirette spesso verso l'utilizzazione di metodi più affini alla ricerca scientifica "oggettiva", oggi si assiste a un ritorno della psicologia alle sue radici introspettive dietro la spinta crescente di una fonte inattesa: le pratiche contemplative della meditazione. L'esperienza accumulata durante secoli di pratica meditativa dall'Oriente comincia ad avere un impatto significativo sul modo di comprendere ed esplorare la mente nell'Occidente contemporaneo. Gli psicoterapeuti, naturalmente, hanno sempre saputo che la componente soggettiva del fenomeno che chiamiamo coscienza, ossia quello che si prova a essere coscienti, è parte importante di qualunque modello della mente.

Andrew Olendzki

Buddhist Scholar, Teacher and Writer